In Luke chapter 18 we read about a certain ruler, who was very
wealthy and a man who adhered to all the commandments since his childhood, one
day he came to Jesus, and asked Him
“…what must I do to inherit eternal
Do you reach cross roads in life where you wonder what to do? Jesus is
the answer. Only He can lead us in the right path. Whenever you approach Him
you must also be prepared to follow His guidance. Jesus answered him, “…Sell all that you have and give the money
to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, then come and follow me.”
The wealthy ruler became very sad. Though he asked the Lord the right thing he
never wanted to obey what the master said.
In Acts 16:30 we see a Jailer
who asked Paul and Silas “…what must I do to be saved?” He was told to believe in the Lord Jesus. Then they spoke the word of the Lord
and following it he and his house hold were baptized. Here is a man who found
what he must do and obeyed.
The word of the Lord is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path. (Psalm119:105) Every time you wonder and pause thinking what to do, seek the Lord and
read the Scriptures, You will receive the
answer, be bold to follow it, you will be mightily blessed.
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