Monday, 13 July 2015

Just Call!

                                     Just  Call!   
The other day I met a lad who looked very troubled, as I enquired he said, he called all his friends for a need, but none replied. He went on to say, that one was busy, the other not reachable and last guys phone was switched off. It is true the friends of this world may let you down but Jesus never fails.

Every time we call on Jesus He is there to answer us. Just as He promised in Jeremiah 33:3,  Call to Me and I will answer you.”  In Luke 18:35 to 43, we read about a blind beggar sitting by the wayside near Jericho, He called out to Jesus, though there was a large crowd, and people rebuked him to be quiet yet Jesus stopped to answer him. He was healed that day. Our Lord Jesus Christ responds to all who call on Him. Romans 10:13 says “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Elijah challenged the people at Mount Carmel, saying “ you call on the name of your god and  I will call on the name of the Lord, The God who answers …. He is God.” 1Kings18:24.  As we read the entire chapter, we know it is our Lord who answered the call of Elijah.

Anytime you call on His name He will surely answer you. Asa the king of Judah called on the Lord, when he faced a vast army against him (2Chronicles 14:11). The Lord gave him a great victory that day.

What a privilege our God answers us in all situations when we call on Him. Deuteronomy 4:7 says “For what great nation is there who has a God so near to them as the Lord our God is to us in all things for which we call upon Him?”


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